I hope everyone has enjoyed the sunshine and beautiful weather!
Last Sunday, this country mouse was heading home and recovering from venturing out in the city! However, I did have a blast with PJ and the girls for her bachelorette party! It was a much needed evening of fun after ISTEP with the munchkins. While I was off enjoying a night out, Joe and Garrett were being productive at the house. Since our fire place didn’t work, Joe and Garrett demolished it and cleared it out. The boys were super productive and finished the job before I got back!
Of course, if I had written about anything last week it would have been about Jim Irsay just breaking my heart! I was starting to deal with the grief of losing Peyton, and then he cuts everyone else. Ugh, a sad week in the life of a Colts' fan! (especially during ISTEP and a full moon) While I will still cheer for the boys in blue, I must say my heart will follow Peyton where he lands! Plus, I have too much Colts gear and decor to jump ship! These pics are from the summer I stalked the team at training camp and got our jerseys signed!
Thursday night we had our Cade Foundation Fertili-Wine in Noblesville. While we were hoping for more people, we had a great turnout and raised some money for the Family Building Grant. It’s really exciting to be able to start giving back! I met some new girls who have been through fertility treatment or are going through treatment now. I always appreciate talking to others who have been down the infertility road to hear their experiences as well as share our story thus far with others. If you weren’t able to attend but would like to make a donation to the Cade Foundation, go to www.cadefoundation.org and click on donate. Every little bit helps and will be used for other families overcoming infertility! Thanks to those that came out to support us!
If you or someone you know is struggling with infertility, please share this information with them! April 24, the Indiana Collaboration for Families with Infertility is hosting a fertility fair! I am looking forward to joining Stacie in representing the Cade Foundation after school that day! Check out http://myicfi.org/fertility-fair/ for more info!
There’s really not much else to report from the Jones’ front! I just did my thyroid level labs again on Saturday, so we’ll see if my TSH is still where Dr. Bopp wants it for IVF. Next month, we will move ahead with some testing! Dr. Bopp wants an ultrasound to make sure all is well in my uterus, and we need to update Joe’s count. (I started to apologize for TMI, but I’m guessing if you are reading this you know what you’re in for!)
Have a wonderful week! Thanks as always for the support, love, and prayers! Keep them coming.
Sarah & Joe
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