I go this Thursday for another saline ultrasound to make sure everything is still clear from the surgery in May. Please pray that there are no new polyps and Dr. Bopp will say we are ready to rock and roll come November! After the fun of the ultrasound, I get to learn about giving myself the different injections....not so much am I looking forward to that part! I'm trying to remember that whole "Don't be anxious about anything," but it can be scary when it comes to needles. As we move forward I will need extra prayers for calm hands as I poke myself!
Our infectious blood work came back, so that was another thing to check off the to do list. For some reason they didn't receive a copy of Joe's paperwork, so I'm hand delivering his on Thursday.
Based on my calculations, we have about four weeks until the real fun begins. It's so exciting to finally be ready to move ahead! It is easy to get caught up in the "what if's" relating to our cycle, but that would drive me crazy and we know that wouldn't be a far trip. We are going on seven years with infertility and I truly believe we were given this journey for a reason. I have never been one to be quiet about anything, so maybe God is using that gift so I can help others know infertility is a real medical condition and that it can be dealt with. I am so thankful for a husband who has been behind 110% through all of this fertility stuff. It's not easy dealing with me in general, but throw some hormones on that and Joe Jones deserves a medal of honor. I am thankful he's always the voice of reason, encouragement, or is just there to get me through a melt down! We hope that by sharing our story and being open, we will be able to help other couples travelling this bumpy road.
Joe has exciting news, he is now just working at Walls Furniture! Saturday was his last day at Great Sounds!
Enough rambling but if you are reading this blog, odds are good you can follow my ADD! Thanks to everyone for the continued love, support, and prayers as we move closer to our IVF cycle. Please pray for no polyps this Thursday! (Also, say a prayer for my preschool friends. The Head Start review is this week! I am blessed to work with some fabulous people!)
Have a wonderful week~
Sarah & Joe
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