Goodness, it's been over a month since I've written and there's stuff to share. (Hold onto your hat, this may be all over the place)
There's never a dull moment when it comes to infertility treatments and procedures. Dr. Morris had wanted a saline ultrasound to make sure everything was in prime condition. After a few mini moments of panic, I called Dr. Bopp to see if he could do the saline ultrasound for me. (My local OB was out and it's one a doctor has to do) Bless Dr. Bopp for agreeing to do the ultrasound and Nurse Alison for getting me scheduled on the right day of my cycle. I must say venturing to Midwest Fertility was a bit comforting. We made a pit stop at Dunkin Donuts for a decaf coffee and then headed down 31. There's comfort in the familiar! Having Dr. Bopp give me a hug, make sure everything was okay, and just be so encouraging really was calming. The staff at Midwest Fertility is amazing and so caring. They are excited that we have the chance to do IVF again thanks to Dr. Morris donating the cycle.
My TSH levels came back at .8, so we are good to go there. I was sure that they would be off because I've been so tired. Harsh reality, this girl hadn't been caffeine free at preschool...love my munchkins but they wear me out! I've pondered just showing Dr. Morris a video of life in preschool to see if he would let me have just one caffeinated beverage per day. I've been good and not given into the temptation, but don't expect me to answer my phone past nine!
One thing that has been a concern was how much the medication would be. Thanks to one of the Facebook infertility pages, I learned about the First Steps program. It's an application that you submit to see if you qualify for a discount on your medication. I hadn't heard back from them since Joe had sent in our application and was getting a little worried. Being an impatient girl, I sent an e-mail asking about the status of our application. The next day, I had confirmation that we are eligible for 25% off our medication!! This is a huge blessing! While we are amazing blessed that medications are the only out of pocket expense we have, this still was a huge weight off my shoulders! Please share this with anyone you know that needs fertility medication! First Steps
At the moment, it's just a waiting game. The next medication cycle for Dr. Morris will start on the 15th. We should be good to go, but you never know! (Ironically, between now and when we start medicine my fertility doctor will have to call in birth control pills! It's to line up my cycle with his calendar, but it just makes me chuckle that the make a baby doctor calls in birth control)
In the mean time, I'm adjusting to full time teaching again! This winter has been crazy with delays and cancellations. I'm trying to get case conferences done and get ahead on lesson plans so that I won't have to worry about that. I'm really going to miss my kiddos with all these monitoring appointments, but know they are in good hands when I'm not there. Since I will take off the time between embryo transfer and pregnancy test, I'm excited that we can at least Face Time! I'm so lucky to love what I do, even if it wears me out and makes me bonkers at times. (This summer, I will start with Ball State to finish up my early childhood special education license that will keep me where I am!)
We have kicked off a new series at church called Transformed! I'm super excited about it and the fact that some of the girls at work are doing a small group with me. At the kick-off dinner at church, I just felt that I needed to step up and suggest a group at school. We are going to start meeting on Wednesday! Thankfully, I have a DVD and a guide to go off of. I'm looking forward to fellowship with my preschool peeps. I'm a little worried about being able to get homework done for my Tuesday night study and for Transformed. Jonesy will need to focus!
Joe's keeping busy at the furniture store and hoping to break the motorcycle out soon! We celebrated our 16th Valentine's Day this year, and I'm pretty sure when we celebrated our first in 1998 he had no clue what the future would hold. I'm so thankful for a man who loves me all the time and handles my hot mess moments quite well!
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As we move closer to starting our IVF cycle, we just need lots of prayers. It's a physical and emotional process! I'm going to need to stay positive and have faith. Having the prayers, love, and encouragement from our family and friends has gotten us this far and what helps us get through this one!
We hope everyone is staying safe and warm! (Here's to no more snow)
Lots of love~
Sarah & Joe
In honor of Dr. Seuss' birthday, I leave you with these!
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