Joe and Sarah

Joe and Sarah

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

One day until test, two days until preschool

I started to title this post, tomorrow is our first test but that just made me think of my days in Job's Daughters and hearing the story of Job...pretty sure we have had more than one test along this lovely infertility journey!  However, we do have our first pregnancy test of this IVF cycle tomorrow which if I think too much about I want to cry or throw up so I just focus on going back to preschool and my kiddos on Thursday.  I went to my therapist, Terrie, today.  The appointment was scheduled before I knew we would be testing tomorrow, but the timing worked out perfectly.  I was thinking back to our transfer day and acupuncture David commenting on how calm I was that day.  I think this cycle has been different for me because I have to force myself to stay in the current moment, not get caught up in what happened before or what could happen.  I'm just taking it day by day, trying to take it easy, and not stress.  (You all know me, that's a big task but I'm convinced that the love, prayers, and support of our family and friends are keeping me somewhat sane)
Real talk, last night I had a total meltdown during Big Bang Theory.  I won't spoil it in case you haven't seen it,  but in the midst of laughing at the show I broke down in tears.  It's that fear that I try not to focus on, it just all came out.  God bless Joe Jones, because I'm a handful on any typical day, add some hormones and stress...I'm a super duper hot mess!  Although, after a good cry and shower...I felt better.
Tomorrow morning, my appointment is at 8:50.  Just getting up and heading down for a blood test...then we wait.  It probably will be a low social media/technology/communication day.  Sometime tomorrow afternoon, Dr. Bopp will call us with the result.  (I think I'm going to go to Target now because thinking about that phone call makes me want to throw up again)

Pray specifically for...
HCG above 50- that's considered a positive pregnancy test
Anything between 5-50 is inconclusive and will be repeated, less than 5 is negative.
Pray for us while we wait to hear the results.  It seems like time goes extra slow on test days!

Pray for me as I go back to my kiddos on Thursday morning, regardless of what tomorrow brings, I'm looking forward to going back to preschool and some sense of routine!  My girls have held down the fort and will keep me behaving when I go back, I just miss my preschool peeps and my little guys!!

The next 24 hours are big, so thanks in advance for the love and prayers!
Sarah & Joe


  1. Hmmm. Well, first, don't throw up. Okay...if you must, then do it. I understand about the HCG....when Kristen lost the baby, those numbers became our daily gauge if the pregnancy would continue. I get it now. So....what do I pray for? For peace that envelopes you and Joe, guidance for what comes next, and for us, who are standing by, knowing what to say, and how to pray. I am hopeful. And prayerful. And full of love for you all.
    We are waiting.
