Things have been moving and shaking at the Jones' house! After getting the fertilization report on Saturday morning, I set out to be on task and get things ready for my munchkins while I'm out. Sunday morning I started estrogen and progesterone, which will continue to pregnancy tests and hopefully after that day to help maintain the pregnancy! We always get our detailed instructions and they go directly into THE binder. It holds everything relevant as well as a 4 leaf clover postcard from Joy and a note from Pastor Glenn saying he would be praying for us. The paper said they would call between 3-4 on Monday to give us our transfer time on Wednesday. Perfect timing because my munchkins leave at 3, but I had District Discussion at 3:45. By 3:50 our meeting hadn't started and I hadn't received a phone call, so I called good ol' Nurse Allison and left a message. Nothing like leaving a meeting with the administration to take calls about your embryos! Call #1 gave us a time to register and transfer time, but then I had to excuse myself from the meeting again for another call. They had to schedule an egg retrieval for Wednesday morning, so they bumped us to 9:45 arrival, 10:15 transfer. After discussion, I ventured back to school and am proud to say that I was pretty productive in spite of being so tired and bloated! (Three side effects of IVF- hot, tired, bloated) Tuesday was my last day with my kiddos until December 11. While I'm so excited about IVF and having time off to just relax and be a bum, I'm really going to miss my kiddos and my girls at school. So thankful to say I really love what I do!
Yesterday morning, we started the day out by having breakfast with Joe's dad. Perk of transfer...no anesthetic which means I can eat and not be a grumpy butt. With full bellies, we were off to Midwest.

Dr. Bopp came in to give a hug and a handshake before going back to check on our embryos. Now, I'd been pretty calm and not anxious about the process until Bopp walked out of our room. I swear it took an eternity for him to come back! Although, while waiting my medicine had kicked in so I was a little more relaxed and giggly.
Bopp came back with what he hopes will be our baby's first picture! We had planned all along to transfer back two embryos. We had ten eggs that had fertilized but our two were the only ones that continued dividing and made it to the stage they need for transfer. So, to borrow from FRIENDS...all our eggs went into my basket.

Unlike retrieval day, Joe got to go back to the room with me to be there for transfer. He got to rock a jumpsuit H2T. (That's head to toe if you're not familiar with America's Next Top Model) He is also rocking his Bert Kreischer "Machine" t-shirt, Bert is a very hilarious comedian that didn't retweet Joe's picture. Oh well.

We walked back into the sterile environment to the procedure room. The room we were in was adjacent to the lab, and Dr. Adaniya was right there to confirm my name and birthday. Dr. Bopp did a practice transfer to make sure the catheter was positioned, and then Dr. Adaniya put the two embryos in the catheter, handing it to Bopp. After the transfer, which we could see on screen thanks to ultrasound, Dr. Adaniya confirmed that both embryos were out of the catheter. Back to our holding room to kick my feet up and relax for a few. Joe got the car and I got to ride in the wheelchair down. We were headed home and into bed. Shockingly, laying perfectly still was a bit of a challenge! Kitty and Baby hung out with me which was safe because they both are too fat for me to move out of the way. (20 pound weight limit)
Today, I've got a hot date with the couch, the DVR, and file folder games to color! Just keep praying that our little embryos have latched on and will continue to grow. Nothing really going on between now and pregnancy test day on December 8. Please pray for me not to be anxious about anything in these two weeks while we wait!

Sarah & Joe
LOVED LOVED LOVED the update! I remember how silly my 6 ft 4 boy looked in that H2T getup! You probably never thought 2 other men would be in the room for your conception. I am praying that your 2 embroys latch and latch tight. I hope nobody splits but if they do...well...you'll have me by your side! You know you can do it. This is what you've wanted and waited for. Can't wait to hear. Praying for peace in your heart!