Joe and Sarah

Joe and Sarah

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Taking it easy

I just love the quotes section, too!

In the lovely world of infertility, the 2WW is a dreaded time. What's 2WW? The two week wait, that lovely time from ovulation to when you can take a pregnancy test. Now, if I wasn't using sick days and spent my two weeks at preschool....there wouldn't be a lot of time to think about waiting. However, I opted to stay home, take it easy, and steer clear of my munchkins' germs. That leaves me at home keeping busy and trying to not fret about what is coming.  Keeping busy has involved a lot of Angry Birds Star Wars and Pinterest, specifically the humor section!  I managed to get caught up on Glee (not sure about this season) and Sons of Anarchy (LOVE).  Big Bang Theory and FRIENDS are always good when I need a laugh.  It helps my sanity to have lots of texts, e-mails, and messages from everyone checking in on me.  I keep reminding myself that somebody's praying us through!
Today marks a joyous event in a non-IVF sense...I've taken over first place in our Fantasy Football League!  Our league is on year 7, I won last year and I am a woman on a mission to retain my title!
When thinking about test day, it's a little intimidating because we've been so open and honest about everything that's gone on. Most people keep things under the radar, but I've always been a jabber jaw. Between Friday and Monday, I may be away from least as much as I can. I do have an appointment with my wonderful therapist on Monday afternoon, so maybe after processing everything with her I'll be ready to share...whatever the outcome. In my heart, I really feel that we are going to have a positive outcome but at the same time we've been at this for seven years and have had our hearts broken more times than I remember. This round of treatments just feels different. Looking back on the past year since we attended the banquet, the quote faith in God includes faith in His timing sums it up. Now, it's just important to keep having the faith in the light at the end of our tunnel!
Please pray that our embryos have implanted and are settling in for their stay, or at least one has settled in for its stay!  Pray for our some peace as we deal with nerves and anticipation of what pregnancy test will bring.  Dr. Bopp is on call this week, so Nurse Allison said he will be the one that makes "the call."  Pray that he calls us with positive news and we test again two days later to see the numbers rising!
As always, thanks to everyone for the love, encouragement, and support!  I think this waiting is worse than the shots and procedures!
Sarah & Joe

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