Joe and Sarah

Joe and Sarah

Monday, June 27, 2016

Here we go again!!

A week ago today, we sat down with Dr. Bopp and talked about where we are and what's been going on with our journey to baby.  In spite of what the blog shows, there have been a twist here and a turn there in the past year since I've written.    Today we're going to stick with what's going on in the present.  Because of all the unknowns and things that have happened, I've struggled with writing a blog update and exactly what to say.  I think my devotionals arriving today were what I needed to remember that we have gotten this far with the prayers and support of our family and friends, so I better get to writing!
After our failed IVF, trying again was not something I was sure about.  Joe's dad passed away and life was turned around again.  It's been two years and we are finally ready to go down the IVF road again, praying this road ends with us finally having a baby.  There was no doubt in our minds that if we tried IVF again, it would be back with Dr. Bopp at Midwest.  Meeting with him last Monday just reaffirmed that fact.  I need a doctor that has some warm and fuzzy and not solely focused on the scientific process.  Dr. Bopp greeted us with hugs and we spent some time just catching him up on life at the Jones' house.  We are ready to move forward and try another fresh cycle of IVF.  We did discuss using donor eggs or donor embryos, but together we ended up on the same page...just a fresh cycle with our goods.  I wish I could remember the exact words he used, but Dr. Bopp said God has a plan and every step along the way is leading us to our baby.  (Just another example of why we love him!)  Having been through two IVF cycles, we didn't have as many questions.  We just needed to know what to do on our end to get ready.
One of my biggest worries was needing another hysteroscopy AKA an outpatient surgery.  Have I mentioned that I'm moving to a new building for preschool next year?!  The thought of needing a surgery as I settle into my new room brings up lots of panic.  Luckily, Dr. Bopp was able to work with my schedule and craziness to get an ultrasound scheduled last Friday so if needed, we could do surgery in July.
Last Monday when I scheduled the ultrasound for Friday, 9:45 did not sound like it was too early at all!  What I didn't factor in was our date with Pat McAfee Thursday night (oh my goodness, I could do a whole entry about that!).  Friday morning, I woke up bright and early to head to Dr. Bopp.  (According to my FitBit, I had gotten about 4 hours of sleep.  I'm too old to party with a punter, but that won't stop me from seeing him again!)
I will have to say, Dr. Bopp had me scared for a minute!  When he asked where Joe was, I told him that I was hoping he got up in time for work since we had seen Pat McAfee and had a really late night.  The nurse shared my concern when Bopp said, "Who is Pat McAfee?!"  Long story short, he knows Pat the Punter but didn't know Pat has other skills.  (I was really concerned for a minute!)
The ultrasound looked "prime and ready" which means no surgery needed!  Woohoo.  Dr. Bopp had also received my records from IVF #2, so he has most of the information needed to plan for IVF #3.  We still have to get Joe's record updated, do cycle day 3 bloodwork, and get our infectious disease labs done.  Once Dr. Bopp has all of that info, he will be able to plan the best protocol for us to move forward.  Needless to say, nothing will be happening during the month of August...back to school crazy fills up the agenda!
In the mean time, just pray that our labs and everything come out normal and give Bopp the best information to plan for us.  Pray that my TSH (thyroid levels) stay below 2, when Dr. Orrell checked at the end of May my levels were .25 which is lower than the ideal range.  Please pray that we will get into our new classrooms and settled easily during August!
I will use this blog to update everyone on what we have been doing and what is to come.  Thanks for all of the love and prayers that have gotten us this far and all the prayers that will see us through another cycle.
Did I mention we got to meet Pat McAfee?!