Joe and Sarah

Joe and Sarah

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Woohoo, 2nd Trimester is here!

Marie and T got us this precious ornament and personalized it for us!
Who knew that officially you're not in your second trimester until week 14?!  We made it!  Since my sinus/allergy joy continued, we got another sneak peek in an ultrasound on the 20th.  Laura, our PA-C, knew we were really stressed and nervous so she didn't mess around long with the doppler, she took us to the ultrasound room so we could see the baby and the heartbeat.  (She also gave me another round of antibiotics and some cough medicine that really helped!)
There's not been too much else to report, I've been the queen of naps since I've been out on break.  I miss my kiddos, but am thankful for some time to rest and even cook Joe dinner for a change!
I've got some pictures to share though.  Only for my dear friends that pray so much for us and who beg would I take a baby bump just felt kinda silly, but here's the best we got!
This was Christmas Eve, so 14 weeks and 5 days.  I promise there's only one baby folks!  It turns out I prefer selfies with the husband, my preschoolers, or any of my darling Colts.  I'm sure we will try for another and hopefully better picture, but this should hold you over!

We are so thankful and blessed, but we still need all the prayers and support!
Sarah and Joe
Who can resist post-Christmas sales?
Here's my goodies from my preschool parents, do they know me or what?!

First teddy bear from Mamie PJ

Here's how we roll on break

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Colds, naps, and a 12 week appointment

Friday was our first appointment and ultrasound with Dr. Darroca.  Evidently, we were supposed to take a jump drive so he could just download the ultrasound pictures...not so much did we know that part!  Baby Jones is growing and everything looked great.  The heart rate was 156 and we were measuring a little bigger.  Dr. Bopp told us it was a big baby last time.  My blood pressure is always high on appointment days, and honestly I don't think that will change any time soon.  Every appointment and test is another milestone for us, but there's always a little fear and anxiety.  I'm convinced I'm going to be tired and slightly more anxious than usual for the rest of time!  We go back again on January 5 for another appointment and I will take a jump drive so we can have pictures.
The past couple weeks, I've been fighting allergy/cold problems.  Germs are just a part of life when you teach preschool and the allergies will be a struggle since I can't take all the medicine I was to manage them.  Last weekend, I was wheezing really bad and kinda freaked so went over to the doc in the box to make sure everything was okay.  I didn't start the medicine he gave me until after I talked to Darroca's office on Monday, let's keep it real...I'm gonna be a freak!  I'm able to breathe much better and am finishing up my antibiotic, so it's all good.  Life these days consists of getting up early to work before preschool, teaching, and heading home for a nap promptly at the end of the school day.  I wake up in time for Joe to get home from work with dinner, take a bath, and go back to bed.  It's a wild life at the Jones' house these days!
Please continue to pray for Baby Jones to keep growing and developing, pray for us to keep the faith since four weeks will be the longest we've gone between appointments so far, pray for my allergies/sinuses to cooperate, and for a restful Christmas Break!  We are so blessed and thankful for all the love and prayers!
Joe and I started dating in 1998, so we've been together awhile it's safe to say.  However, when I think about the fact we've married 15 years coming up on the 15th...that sounds like such a long time!  It's safe to say when we were just young and in love, we had no clue what adventures were in store for us.  When I think about it, it's crazy to say but I'm thankful for our infertility journey because it's really brought us closer together and helped us to grow as a couple.

Have a fabulous weeks!
Joe and Sarah

Monday, November 28, 2016

Graduation Day

I was flipping through pictures, quotes, and verses to try and decide what to use to start today's blog.  I Corinthians 13 was one of the scriptures read at our wedding and it really caught my attention today, so let's start there since it really sums up life with Joe Jones.  I require a lot of patience and protection.  Together, we sure have gotten good at always trusting, hoping, and persevering.  I'm a lucky girl that caught such an awesome guy!  (I guess if love keeps no record of wrongs, I may need to be nicer to him about all the shots in the booty)
Last Wednesday, we met with Laura, the PA who is in with Dr. Darroca, to get an updated physical and all that fun stuff done here.  It's exciting and kinda scary to just go to the regular OB like a typical pregnant person.  She did make me chuckle when she asked if I worked out because I was in leggings and a hoody...not so much do I work out as I love stretchy clothes that fit me!  We left with orders for lab work for me and a follow up and ultrasound with Dr. Darroca on December 9.  (I didn't realize that the lab work would involve taking five things of blood!)
Today was graduation day with Dr. Bopp and I was having some major separation anxiety issues.  Our Facebook memory today reminded me that our very first embryo transfer with Bopp was exactly four years ago.  Goodness, what a lot has happened in four years.  Leaving Dr. Bopp and Nurse Alison is a huge milestone, they got us pregnant and kept us pregnant.  One of things I love most about Midwest Fertility is the fact it's not just about getting pregnant, everyone you come into contact with sincerely cares about you and encourages you.  Dr. Bopp and Alison have shared ups and downs with us and provide that sense of security and familiarity in such an emotional time.  We are just so thankful for Dr. Bopp, Nurse Alison, and everyone that's taken care of us, it's just bittersweet but I still have Alison's email and can pop into visit when I go for acupuncture!

Enough of my ramblings, here are a couple of Baby Jones' pictures from today.  It's really crazy to look back at each ultrasound and how much change you see in two weeks!  There was a moment during the ultrasound when I couldn't see it, but thankfully she moved just enough it didn't last too long.  Heartbeat is still going strong at 166.
There aren't enough words to express how grateful and blessed we are to have so many people praying for us and providing encouragement.  I'm so thankful that everyone is along for the journey with us.
Please continue to pray that Baby will keep growing strong!
Love to all!
Sarah and Joe

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Results everyone agrees on ;)

I'm sitting here trying to think of what I need to share for a blog update, listening to some music, and a song came on that switched my gears.  So, I'm going to share it first.  (bear with me and my hormones)
Of course I wish my grandma, my Moe, and Uncle Andy were here to celebrate the milestone of our 8 week ultrasound.  It really is hard not to be able to share this day with J2 (Joe's dad Joe).  He was always our biggest, yet quietest cheerleader and the gentle voice of reason when I needed it.  Ugh, hormones are not helping this meltdown but this blog is about sharing what's on my mind in this you get to read it all!  

Back to keeping up with the Joneses!  The past two weeks have gone quicker than I figured they would, but that may just be due to the fact I'm exhausted all the time.  It's kinda crazy!  Other than that, some mild nausea, and a million trips to the potty each day...I've been feeling pretty good.  Keeping it real, there have been a few meltdowns!  It's a struggle to know I can't do some things or don't have the energy for things...working on resting and balance.  I'm so thankful to be surrounded by so many people (besides Joe...he's stuck with me) who support and help me adjust.

Today's ultrasound was a milestone, Dr. Bopp said things are great and that it was time to schedule an appointment with my regular OB.  If I think too much about leaving Bopp, Alison, and the rest of the Midwest staff, I'm just going to cry again.  It's really bittersweet.  I may have temporarily lost my mind because I agreed to keeping up the progesterone injections and eliminating the Prometium that has to be done twice daily.  Obviously, Joe is just fine with our nightly needle date!  I also get to stop the extra estrogen I've been taking.  I'm pretty excited about that, too!  We go back November 28th for our graduation day ultrasound.  At our first ultrasound, Nurse Alison mentioned she wouldn't see us for our 8 week but would for our we have to go back one more time.  ;)  Have I said how much I love this place?  Midwest Fertility is just an amazing group of people that truly care about their patients!  

I think today's ultrasound was really a weight lifted off me, I've been working on the whole not being anxious thing...but I was still scared.  (real talk, I'm still a little scared but feel so much better)  This afternoon I baked cookies, assembled dinner, and put a load of laundry in.  That's my productivity for a week!  I just felt relief and needed to be busy.  After a couple hours, I mustered up the nerve to call Dr. Darocca and schedule an appointment with them.  Thankfully, they are seeing me on the 23rd so I don't have to miss another day of school.  

For our specific prayers, pray that our little one keeps growing!  Everything is going great, pray it keeps going that way.  Please pray for preschool, that I give my kiddos my best every day even with extra yawns, pray for my girls, Sarah and Bethany as they help out so much.  Please pray for Bethany's family, too.  Her dad passed away this week, it was sudden and unexpected.  My preschool people are my other family, my heart hurts when they hurt!  Of course, pray for Joe Jones as he handles the extra hot mess that is me.  I am so thankful for a patient guy, who is always encouraging and level headed, and loves me even at my worst.  (Granted, he does get to stick a big needle in me nightly, I'm sure that therapeutic!)

Have a great rest of the week friends!  We are so blessed to be surrounded by family and friends who pray for us, love us, and always offer encouragement!
Sarah and Joe
This was the best quote to sum up how I felt after the ultrasound.  We got to see our blessing!
Here's our little gummy bear!

Monday, October 31, 2016

A quick update

Yup, my dear husband is still kindly giving me a nightly shot of progesterone!

Alright folks, my ADD brain really intended to update the blog over Fall Break about our ultrasound visit...I had lunch with Misty and took a lot of naps over break!  That's about the extent of my productivity!
The anticipation and anxiety leading up to the first ultrasound is pretty high to say the least.  In the IVF binder, you're encouraged to be cautiously optimistic until that first ultrasound.  Thankfully, Joe drove us down so I could just play Candy Crush and not stress out.  Faith over fear is really something I am working on!!  While we waited for Dr. Bopp, Joe provided me with some much needed comic relief and I sang some preschool songs.  I let out a huge sigh when we heard the heartbeat.  Have I mentioned how much we love Midwest Fertility, especially Dr. Bopp and Allison!  
Any ultrasound pictures will be posted on the blog, not straight to Facebook so you have to come here if you want to see.
So, here it is...our little diamond ring (that's what Bopp said)  We were right at six weeks last Wednesday, and he was glad to hear such a strong heartbeat.  We go back again on November 9th.
Please keep the prayers coming that our little one continues to grow!  Prayers for Joe as he handles a hormonal wife who is exhausted all the time.  I'm so thankful for my preschool peeps who are so helpful and keep me in check.  One thing I'm really working on is not being afraid and freaked out all the time, just having faith!
Sarah and Joe

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Fear and Faith

"Cautious optimism" is what they say for the time between your positive pregnancy test and the first ultrasound.  Guess what, tomorrow is our first ultrasound!  It's not until 3:00, so pray for us to stay calm and not stress during the day.  I'm going in for Hay Days with the morning class, so that will occupy my brain!  Tomorrow is the day that we pray will show us a good strong heartbeat.  
We started progesterone shots on the 15th to boost those levels up, so every night around 7:30 it's shot time.  I think this picture from night #1 explains shot time better than any words would!  (It could be payback for being such a handful for Joe all the time, LOL!)  

Let's keep it real and back up a little bit.  I think overall that I've been generally calm, taking it one day at a time, and not freaking out about being pregnant.  Well, until last Thursday when I had some cramping and spotting after school.  I think I gave new meaning to the ugly cry, but thankful Joe is always able to remain calm, talk me down, and Dr. Bopp has an answering service!  As soon as I made myself breathe and lay down, everything was better.  Bopp called about 7:30 to see how I was going and said to take it easy and come down in the morning for labs if it would make me feel better. (Shout out to my preschool peeps for helping reassure me they would hold down the fort and to take Friday off!!)  Friday morning, we headed out early to get fit into the schedule to make sure my HCG levels were fine.  
Have I mentioned how much I love the Midwest Fertility staff?!  Everyone is so caring and reassuring.  Nurse Allison hadn't gotten my message, so I gave her the update and Minnie did my labs.  We were home by around 9:30, but then we had to wait...waiting is life with IVF!  Allison called and said my levels had gone up beautifully, just to take it easy.  This was a huge sigh of relief.  By this stage in my first pregnancy, I had already been spotting and cramping and placed under couch arrest.  To say I was scared would be an under statement.  Praise the Lord, everything was fine and has been fine since.  I've been a good girl at school and taking it easy, just taking it one day at a time drinking lots of water and no caffeine.  (Try keeping up with preschoolers on no caffeine...thankfully Joe handles dinner!)
I'm so thankful for the love and support that we continue to receive!  I can't imagine going through all this without family and friends to pray us through.  Granted, at times it's scary to be honest and open but receiving all the prayers and love remind me of why we keep it out there.  I always go back to the Cade Foundation Banquet the year we were blessed with our grant for IVF #1.  The other grantees at our table hadn't told their families where they were going let alone the fact they had been facing infertility.  It's hard, but we are so blessed to have so much love and support!
Sarah and Joe

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Results are in...

It would be wrong to bury the lead, today's results...POSITIVE!  Dr. Bopp called to let us know, I'm pregnant.  Prayers were answered for sure, I was praying for a 50 just to get that first positive down.  My HCG was 132!!  Back on Friday morning for another test, Nurse Allison says we need it to increase by 2/3 at the least or even double.  By my math, we are praying for 220 at the least on Friday morning.  She's also going to check my thyroid levels to make sure they are cooperating!  We are to exercise cautious optimism until the first ultrasound, so just praising God for this positive news and going to take it easy and one day at a time!  (Yes, I will be going back to preschool tomorrow and taking it super easy!  I need my people!  It will be awhile before the kiddos know though)
When I was looking at my quotes on Pinterest, this verse stood out.  I think it safely summarizes life for Joe and I.  I'm so thankful that he endures this hot mess that is me through every circumstance!  Please keep the prayers coming friends!
Sarah & Joe

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

One day until test, two days until preschool

I started to title this post, tomorrow is our first test but that just made me think of my days in Job's Daughters and hearing the story of Job...pretty sure we have had more than one test along this lovely infertility journey!  However, we do have our first pregnancy test of this IVF cycle tomorrow which if I think too much about I want to cry or throw up so I just focus on going back to preschool and my kiddos on Thursday.  I went to my therapist, Terrie, today.  The appointment was scheduled before I knew we would be testing tomorrow, but the timing worked out perfectly.  I was thinking back to our transfer day and acupuncture David commenting on how calm I was that day.  I think this cycle has been different for me because I have to force myself to stay in the current moment, not get caught up in what happened before or what could happen.  I'm just taking it day by day, trying to take it easy, and not stress.  (You all know me, that's a big task but I'm convinced that the love, prayers, and support of our family and friends are keeping me somewhat sane)
Real talk, last night I had a total meltdown during Big Bang Theory.  I won't spoil it in case you haven't seen it,  but in the midst of laughing at the show I broke down in tears.  It's that fear that I try not to focus on, it just all came out.  God bless Joe Jones, because I'm a handful on any typical day, add some hormones and stress...I'm a super duper hot mess!  Although, after a good cry and shower...I felt better.
Tomorrow morning, my appointment is at 8:50.  Just getting up and heading down for a blood test...then we wait.  It probably will be a low social media/technology/communication day.  Sometime tomorrow afternoon, Dr. Bopp will call us with the result.  (I think I'm going to go to Target now because thinking about that phone call makes me want to throw up again)

Pray specifically for...
HCG above 50- that's considered a positive pregnancy test
Anything between 5-50 is inconclusive and will be repeated, less than 5 is negative.
Pray for us while we wait to hear the results.  It seems like time goes extra slow on test days!

Pray for me as I go back to my kiddos on Thursday morning, regardless of what tomorrow brings, I'm looking forward to going back to preschool and some sense of routine!  My girls have held down the fort and will keep me behaving when I go back, I just miss my preschool peeps and my little guys!!

The next 24 hours are big, so thanks in advance for the love and prayers!
Sarah & Joe

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

And now we wait....

We are so blessed to have everyone keeping us in their thoughts, prayers, and hearts!!  
A teacher can't just take time off, you have to get stuff ready!
Sunday morning started off bright and early with acupuncture!  I wasn't too sure about the whole acupuncture thing, but figured it couldn't hurt and it hasn't.  Starting off with points on my back, I always get super relaxed and sleepy.  When I have needles in my belly and legs, I'm more easily distracted (shocker).  I've found playing around on my phone keeps my brain somewhat busy.  We went at 8:00 so David (acupuncture guy) could still have brunch with his family.  Family first!  While I was relaxing at acupuncture, Joe enjoyed a nap in the car.  David commented on how calm I seemed to be about the transfer, that maybe fantasy football and the Colts game were good distractions.  While they are good distractions, I just really wasn't stressed or anxious about the transfer this time.  Prayers for peace and calm were sure heard on Sunday!  

Our check-in time at Midwest was 9:45, so we just hung out for a few and listened to some pre game.    Once we got called back, I had to take my transfer day pill and drink a lot of water.  While I was consuming fluids, Joe got dressed in his fancy outfit and booties (which just barely fit over his size 15's).  Dr. Colver came in with our day 5 update.  We had two embryos ready for transfer with none for freezing.  One of our embryos is looking really promising and the other one has potential.  We headed back to the transfer room where "Canon in D" was playing for our calming music, which was one of the songs we used for our bridal party!  I took that as a good sign.  Dr. Colver said my uterine lining looked great and my bladder was super full, so that helped him have a good view.  The embryologist is standing at the door to the lab, confirms that the embryos are ours, Dr. Colver releases them into the catheter, gives it back to embryologist who confirms the catheter is empty.  Dr. Colver said we had a YouTube worthy transfer video.  First stop after the transfer was the potty, please don't be alarmed no bodily functions can make the embryos fall out!  Back to our room to lay flat for about 15 minutes before heading home.  I had seen a couple articles about clinics having 'medical clowns' to entertain patients after their transfer, the laughter helps ease the stress.  Who needs a creepy clown when you have Pat McAfee Uncaged on your phone?  Yup, I just watched my favorite punter tell jokes to pass the time!  
Rocking the old school Dallas Clark jersey...that he got when Dallas was drafted!
How cute is he?
Lucky socks, IVF essentials
Looking pretty relaxed on my way home LOL
Say hello to our two embryos

Once we got home, I set up camp on the couch to see the sad ending to the Colts game and take a nap.  The nurse had said I needed to spend my lying down for the rest of the day as much as possible and then on Monday I could sit up more.  Joe stayed home with me yesterday, and after a little bit of whining and obvious boredom suggested a movie.  Bless that man, it was good just to get out of the house and still follow the orders of taking it easy!  We went to see Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children and I give it the Jonesy approval, it was good!  Sarah and Troy got me a goody bag of things to keep busy while I'm home, so last night we broke out the puzzle.  Bubba is still quite happy with the bag.

Today, I was free to drive so guess where I went...Starbucks (for a caffeine free Vanilla Bean Frap) and Target of course.  Please don't panic, I'm allowed to resume normal activities but will be taking it easy until the test on the 12th.  Thanks to technology, I've been able to video message with my preschoolers.  I do miss my kiddos, but taking it easy and not lifting just don't go well in preschool life.  I'm so thankful for my girls holding down the fort while I'm gone.   

Here's specific prayer requests...
  • Our little embryos, it just takes one to implant and grow!
  • No cabin fever for this girl!  If I get bored and antsy, I might get the urge to fall down the Google rabbit hole.  I just am trusting God has a plan for us and there's nothing on Google that will show a side effect or something different.  
  • Joe, he's the calm and rationale one in our house
  • My allergies are not my friend!  I'm down to just taking Claritin and the occasional Benadryl and sucking it up.  I do have lemon, lavender, and peppermint going in the diffuser.  
  • One of my preschoolers is supposed to have tonsils/adenoids out tomorrow, so please pray for this kiddo and the family
  • My other preschool kiddos to make good choices and not worry about why Jones has been out for a long time.  I'm so thankful for my girls holding down the fort and letting the kids know, I'm fine but I just won't be at school for a bit.  I'm thankful that I love what I do and miss my kiddos and peeps.
That's all for now folks!  Sorry it's long, but my human interaction is limited and I need an outlet!
Love always,
Sarah and Joe

Saturday, October 1, 2016

Transfer Tomorrow

On Tuesday morning, we headed down bright and early for our egg retrieval appointment and clearly I didn't update the blog like I meant to, I took a nice nap!  Dr. Colver was our doctor for the retrieval and our nurse let me wear just my lucky Colts socks back, so that was exciting.  It's the little things.  Fast forward to what I remember after the anesthesia, we got 26 eggs and I finally got a snack!  Goldfish and a juice box...the perfect snack for a preschooler (or a preschool teacher).  I'm very thankful that my darling husband doesn't record me coming out of anesthesia because evidently when Dr. Colver told me 26, my response was something about 23, 18, HIKE!  

Dude was kind enough to keep me company once we got home.

Wednesday morning it was back to my kiddos, with the restrictions of no lifting over 25 pounds or anything too intense.  I was anticipating our fertilization report in the afternoon, but it came around 9:00!
What was our fertilization report?!
Thanks to Scott Tolzien for helping share how many had embryos we had as of Wednesday morning!  
(If you don't know who he is, he is the backup QB for Mr. Luck.  #themoreyouknow)

Of our 26 eggs, they split them into two groups- 13 were put together to fertilize on their own and 10 eggs were fertilized using ICSI (where they put the sperm in the egg), 3 eggs were immature.  Out of those groups, 8 fertilized on their own and 8 fertilized with ICSI!  On Sunday morning, the embryologist will reevaluate them and identify the two strongest embryos to transfer.  We have only had two embryos make it to day 5 each IVF, but I've not responded this well before either.  If we do have more than two embryos, we will be able to freeze them to try again in the future.  Nurse Allison called to check in on Wednesday afternoon, but we were busy using the flashlights on our phones because there was a brief power outage.  I e-mailed her back to let her know I was fine and power had come back on, to which she reminded me to take it easy.  

Thursday was the beginning of progesterone and estrogen support, other than that it was just another normal day with my kiddos at school.  I'm so thankful for my girls at school who keep an eye on me and remind me not to pick up my little friends.  It's been a group effort getting sub plans ready for almost two full weeks, which is why I've not updated the blog.  My brain has been in preschool teacher mode because it's so hard to be out of school and away from the kiddos!  

Friday afternoon, Nurse Allison called with our transfer time...10:15 on Sunday.  Dr. Colver is the doctor who will be doing our transfer.  We have to be there at 9:45 to get ready.  Acupuncture is scheduled for 8:00 before the transfer, so we will have a little time before going over to Midwest.

Prayer request update...
  • We have at least two healthy embryos to transfer tomorrow!
  • I have acupuncture and medicine to calm my nerves on Transfer Day, pray that Joe has peace and calming, too.
  • Safe travels back and forth tomorrow
  • My allergies aren't being cooperative with the whole only taking Claritin thing!  
(in case I don't update before Monday morning)  Please pray for my preschoolers and my girls, have I mentioned how hard it is to NOT be at school?!  

Thanks for the love, prayers, and support!  We are so thankful to be surrounded with love and encouragement!
Sarah & Joe

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Only one shot to go!

First day of shots

I guess I thought I had at least updated the blog after starting medicine, but evidently not!  Sorry about that friends, but thanks to social media I've been able to do quick updates.  Also, I've been a little flighty, so this blog post may be even more ADD than you folks are used to!

September 15th was my baseline appointment, starting my adventures of driving between Muncie, Marion, and Carmel.  (Pat McAfee's podcast and comedy show have been the soundtrack to these commutes from home to school to doc or acupuncture.  Laughter is the best medicine and doesn't give me headaches or bloating like the lovely Menopur, Follistim, and Ganirelex shots I have given myself.)

Last weekend, I really wanted to go see Shaun Latham again in Indy.  It's possible that my poor husband wasn't as excited as I was and that after only two days of shots...I played the IVF card to guilt him into going.  (I think it was something about being stuck in the house, full of hormones, and just wanting to get out and laugh)  I'm not proud, but we did go to Chubby's Comedy on Saturday night and got some laughs in!

Tuesday was my first monitoring appointment and thankfully they start at 7:15 so I could get back to preschool before the morning class left.  Everything looked good and I just had to wait for Nurse Alison to call me that afternoon and let me know to come back on Thursday.  Joe had to go for that monitoring appointment because we had to initial and sign our consents.  Someone was up a lot earlier than he was used to!  Thankfully, Joe got a good nap in before my lovely meltdown Thursday night.  (I made it a week on shots before having a meltdown, so that's not too bad)  Thanks to Joe's patience, girls who have been through IVF encouraging me, a hot bath, and some Jim Brickman on Pandora, I came out of the dark side.  I think I could have won a daytime Emmy for my soap opera crying, I'm just saying!

Yesterday morning, I ventured down to Carmel for monitoring.  Everything was looking good, but Nurse Sherry wanted me to hang out around Indy until she heard from Bopp about my trigger shot protocol, which thankfully will just be the HCG that I'm used to!  After my labs came back, Sherry called and said to come back for monitoring Sunday.   Cheryl was our nurse today, she's been with Dr. Bopp since we have been seeing him!  She was pretty sure that we would trigger tonight for retrieval on Tuesday, which was what I had been planning on and have Baryoh booked as my's a win-win.  Labs came back and she called to confirm that we will do our trigger shot tonight for retrieval on Tuesday at 7:30 am.  (I'm so thankful that it's early because I'm not the nicest and happiest girl when I can't eat or drink)

The alarm is set for 7:30 tonight for the trigger shot AKA the last shot, back in the morning at 7:15 for labs and pre-op instructions.  After that appointment, I will head to my kiddos.  It's hard being gone so much!

Here's our specific prayer requests for now...

  • Safe travels 
  • My allergies are driving me crazy, my head hasn't exploded yet, but it's been close.  Pray that it doesn't turn into a sinus infection or anything like that.
  • Preschool:  My assistants Sarah and Bethany are holding down the fort and thankfully we have Baryoh as a sub for the days I'm out now.  I've got caffeine and chocolate, so that part is covered.  I'm so thankful for all of my preschool peeps and my preschool families!
  • On Tuesday morning, pray for us as we travel to Carmel.  The retrieval is done under anesthetic.  Please pray that they are able to retrieve healthy follicles and that those follicles will fertilize!  
I will try and update on Tuesday after I nap or Wednesday after I get the fertilization report!
Thanks for the love and prayers!  I can't imagine going through IVF without the amazing support system that we have.
Love to all!
Sarah and Joe

Game day shots
A new podcast on Friday morning made that shot easier!

Monday, September 12, 2016


It's like this post was written about dealing with infertility, but it can apply to every area of life.  Matt Overton is the Long Snapper for the Indianapolis Colts and shares The Morning Snap on social media daily, and I always love it!  This one really hit home and I had to share it on here because I am going to have to go back to it frequently.  
(I'm sure you guys know Matt, he's the other guy on the field with Adam and Pat...#45)

The next day, Matt tweeted another one that just hit home again.

I really appreciate everyone taking time to share in our story!  (now, go follow The Morning Snap)
Have a great week and Go Colts!