Joe and Sarah

Joe and Sarah

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Another good day!!

Man, I thought this day was never going to get here!  In the binder, the page about pregnancy tests says proceed with cautious optimism until an ultrasound with a was the big day.  Since I have a tendency to bury the lead...we have one embryo with a heartbeat!
Now, back to the events of the day!  :)Dr. Bopp and Alison were both on vacation, so we saw Dr. Colver today.  (I've now had interactions with all doctors at Midwest and have nothing but positive to say about all of them.)  We left a little before nine, not knowing for sure how the roads were going to be.  
Thanks to my wonderful sister Joy for giving me Sea Bands years ago!  Since we rode the Metro in DC I have bouts of car sickness, and not so much is Dramamine an option these days.  These little wrist bands really work!  (Saltines, Sprite, and gum also helps)
We rolled into Carmel around 10:20...our appointment wasn't until 11:45.  When I called to see how the schedule looked, Kim said it was pretty packed so go have breakfast.  Someone was starving so we ate McDonald's before we left Muncie.  Rather than drive around pointlessly, we headed to Midwest.  The couch is pretty comfy and we have plenty of entertainment on our phones.  
Dr. Colver said I'm measuring a little smaller than expected.  By the calculations, I am 6 weeks and 6 days today.  However, our little runt (new name for the Tic Tac) is measuring at 6 weeks and 1 day.  The heartbeat is appropriate for his size.  We go back next Wednesday for another ultrasound with Dr. Bopp.  No more couch potato living for me!
Working on this one!
It never ceases to amaze me and make me feel blessed when we get outpourings of support, prayers, and well wishes on Facebook.  I've said it before and I'll say it again, I can't imagine going through all this without an amazing support system.  It makes sense why people don't share their infertility struggles or early pregnancy's emotional, it's's just draining.  While today was super exciting, I can't lie.  I was still scared after we left the doctor.  After seven years of trying to get pregnant, we finally did it...and it's scary.  Each trip to the doctor involves anxiety, which is another reason why I am so thankful for everyone that prays us through it.  Thankfully Joe is always the calm, voice of reason that keeps under control.  I've got my mustard seed and am really working on letting my faith be bigger than my fears.  God has brought us down this road for a reason, so I just need to remember that!
So, thanks for all the prayers!  Please continue to pray that our little runt grows and the heart beat is even stronger next week.  Pray for me to work on the faith over fear thing.  Pray for Joe as he deals with me, my hormone changes, and the interesting joys of pregnancy!  (Who knew a girl could be even gassier!)
We hope everyone had a Merry Christmas!  Have a safe and blessed New Year!
Sarah & Joe

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Adventures in couch arrest

Let's start with me dropping some issue is a subchorionic bleed!  The only reason I know that is Alison wrote it in one of my many e-mails checking in with her, but figure I would take a second to use a medical term.  One thing I can say without hesitation is the staff at Midwest is amazing!  Alison has been key to my mental health, answering every question and reassuring me.  (She's on vacation this week, so we shall see what nurse gets the joy of my calls!)
While under couch arrest, I missed Polar Express day and the programs.  Wearing my cute pajamas at home with the cats wasn't as fun as pajama day at preschool.  What am I doing...a whole lot of nothing!  I have watched numerous episodes of FRIENDS, Big Bang Theory, and Sex and the City.  I've also fallen in love with the show Girls!  Thankfully Pinterest can also provide hours of mindless entertainment and some good ideas for when I return to Munchkin Land.  I have done a lot of searching in the Bible for verses on faith.  Every time I use my phone as a Bible, I think about how Grandma Tinkle would be so fascinated.  It's so easy to be scared about what's going on and think about all the "what if" scenarios.  That's the time I start searching for a verse or turn on Pandora.  The traditional hymn station always brings me some peace and makes me think of hanging out with Grandma and Grandpa when I was little.
I consider myself a fairly social being, so being home alone without anyone to talk to can be a little rough.  The cats aren't great conversationalists, but they do like to snuggle and take shifts on the couch.  As with everything along this journey, I'm so thankful and blessed when I hear from someone.  Just a little message checking in, a random text, a phone call,  and/ or saying "I'm praying for you guys," really means a lot.  I've come to appreciate the little things!
At the Race for the Family, Tinina told me to remember to have a mustard seed of faith!  Steph got me a mustard seed bracelet that I've carried with me since.  It really helps to have a concrete reminder to have the faith!  (The Cade Foundation is named after Tinina, who carried her daughter Camille's triplets for her...amazing story if you haven't heard)
More updates will be coming on Thursday!  Please continue to pray for our little tic tac to continue to grow and stay put.  Pray that the bleeding stays away and that eventually I will get to move off the couch.  Please pray that our ultrasound on Thursday shows a healthy heartbeat!
Have a wonderful Christmas with your families!  Thanks for the love and prayers!
Sarah & Joe

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Back to bed rest

Hello again bed rest!  I haven't missed you too much.  It's been a few crazy days.  Saturday I had a meltdown because I was spotting a little.  I called the on call number, and Dr. Reuter called back quickly.  She said to take it easy, push lots of fluids, and relax.  If there was still concern, I was to  call Bopp on Monday.  Of course, I called Monday morning.  Nurse Alison said they could do another HCG for my sanity.  Thankfully I work with amazing women who said to go and they would hold down the fort.  (My preschool peeps are awesome and help keep me from being stressed about school work). Alison may have put a rush on my order because I had results before the afternoon kiddos arrived.  HCG was 1792!  Increasing just the way it should.  Whew.  Some peace of mind until about 8 last night.  I started cramping and had more than just a little spotting.  Insert full blown Sarah meltdown.  I was scared to death something bad was happening!  That fear lingered this morning until I talked to Alison and she said to come down for an ultrasound and they would work me in.  Thankfully, I am married to a man who can tolerate me as I am and reassure and encourage me!  Alison greeted us and took my blood pressure...140/90.  Seriously why do doctors check that when you're a hot mess?!  Alison and another girl came in for the ultrasound.  I was in tears when they walked in, can't lie!  We were able to see one sac, right where it is supposed to bed!  Praise The Lord! There's another spot, of course I can't remember the medical term, that is causing the bleeding. The pregnancy is safe, but this could put it at risk...enter bed rest again!  I am one with the couch until further notice.  We want the bleeding and cramping to stop, and from the ultrasound it looks hopeful.  From Saturday to now, I had just shared my drama with just a few people that I knew would keep us in their prayers.  Today, I decided I needed to update everyone since so many people have prayed us this far!  It's scary because a lot happens I the first trimester, and most folks opt to keep their pregnancy on the down low until the first 12 weeks are done.  However, when you are publicly sharing your infertility and IVF journey, you gotta shoot it straight!  Please continue to pray for us as we take it easy and wait until the 27th when we will be able to hear the heartbeat.  Pray that my hormones simmer a tad so we won't have major meltdowns.... They are tiring!  I'm really working on my mustard seed of faith to move these mountains.  It makes me sad to miss Polar Express day and the Christmas program, but right now I have to come first and be thankful that I work with amazing women who steer the ship and send me pictures!  I am so thankful that we have a support system ready to have our backs at a moment's notice!
Until the next time, thanks for the love and prayers!  Please keep them coming.  Being still is hard for my ADD self, but right now it's what I have to do!

Saturday, December 15, 2012

A little anniversary rambling

Our wonderful wedding party
Happy anniversary to my dearest husband!  Today we celebrate eleven years of marriage.  Every year, I break out my tiara and the wedding DVD.  Yup, it's my princess day!  Our wedding was the princess day I wanted, and am so thankful that things only got better from there.  We started our life together surrounded by friends and family that always encouraged and supported us.  Today, we still are so blessed to have the amazing support system we started with.  The support has changed courses as we've grown older, but we know we've always got each other and that a lot of people are in our corner.  You may think I'm crazy, but infertility is one thing that made our marriage stronger.  I can see where it will make or break your marriage.  It's physically, emotionally, and financially draining.  Here we are, seven years after hoping to expand our family...we made it.  While the love, prayers, and words of encouragement get me through each day, shot, test, procedure...the one person that I couldn't function without is Joe.  From the Clomid crazy, procedures, surgeries, negative tests, other friends and family getting pregnant, to IVF....Joe has always been the voice of calm and reason.  When I panic and freak, he can talk me off the edge.  If I cry, he holds me and reminds me it will be okay.  When I need a little common sense or get to off task, he's there.  I just could go on and on.  Figured it was a good day to give Joe Jones the shout out he deserves for being such an awesome guy!
Young love ;)
God Gave Me You
Last Thursday, I went for another HCG test.  Nurse Allison said he would keep checking until there was more than just that 2/3 increase I'd had.  Going to school with my girls and my munchkins made waiting for test results much more tolerable!  My level was 430, up from the 221, and the increase that meant we could finally schedule the ultrasound.  Praise the Lord!  We will go for our ultrasound on the 27th @ 11:45.  This is the big moment where we will be able to move past our guarded optimism phase after seeing a heartbeat.  (This may be the most memorable Christmas ever!)  They did check my thyroid level, which was a little high.  My medicine has been adjusted, so now we just need to pray it goes back to between 1-2.  (It's 6 now)  Please continue to pray that our little tic tac keeps growing!
I can't ask for prayers for us without feeling a little selfish.  The heartbreaking shooting yesterday is just horrific.  As a teacher, I can't imagine.  Please pray for the kids, the families of the victims, the school, and the community.  It just makes me sick to think about.  It really puts things into perspective.  I know I will be loving on my munchkins at school on Monday a little more than usual!
As always, thanks for the love and prayers!

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Test anxiety and guarded optimism

Tests stress me them, taking them, just the word!  One of the many joys of preschool includes no more ISTEP and that anxiety.  However, waiting for the results from your first blood pregnancy test brings a whole new meaning to test anxiety.
We were able to change our testing days to Friday & Sunday, that way Joe could be with  me when we got "the call."  I'd been relatively sane while staying home and modeling the life of the kitties....until Thursday.  I'm not sure if it was hormones, general anxiety, or just a moment of total was a total meltdown.  The reality of our pregnancy test set in and exactly what it meant hit.  There was some ugly crying, but Kitty, Baby, and Dude don't mind.  After about a half hour of crying like a wild woman and telling God how scared I was, I finally returned to normal.  Nothing beats a good cry and a nap!
Friday morning was the day!  I woke up at 3, and slept on and off until 6 when I did my progesterone.  Thankfully, I woke up at 7 in time for us to throw on clothes and hit the road.  Bless Joe for driving, because I'm pretty sure I slept most of the way to Bopp's.  We were at Midwest for maybe 10 minutes tops.  Just enough time to check in and get blood drawn.  Then, we had to wait....
The plan was to keep busy in Indy rather than just come home and stare at the phone.  We ventured to Target (for a potty stop) and Trader Joe's parking lot.  (Plan was to stock up on wine at Trader Joe's if results were negative)  After sitting in the parking lot (nope, we didn't go in), Joe decided we might as well head home because sitting in the car wasn't doing us any good.
Grandma always said a watched pot never boils, and I can add that a watched phone never rings!  We were about two blocks from home when the phone rang.  I think I could have thrown up!  Dr. Bopp called and said, "Congratulations, you're pregnant."  The rest of the conversation is a bit of a blur, but I remember asking him if he was serious and he said we could have some sparkling cider.  My HCG level was 75, which was above the 50 we needed for a positive!  I knew we would test two days later and that the number needed to go up.  He said it needed to go up 66%, and I was quite proud that I did the math on my own to figure out we needed a 125.
Needless to say, we were pretty emotional after that phone call.  For seven years, we have been waiting and hoping to hear, "You're pregnant," and the moment finally came.  The afternoon was filled with tears of joy (not ugly ones!) and a lot of thankfulness.
Last night at church, I made sure to thank God for the miracle of Christmas and our little miracle in the making.  
Today was less anxiety and stress than Friday, but still a little because they say to proceed with guarded optimism until we have the ultrasound and see the heartbeat.
The nurse called today with our results, the level was 126.  Just the increase Bopp said we needed.  It freaked me out for a bit because Bopp wants to a 3rd beta on Tuesday to make sure the HCG is still rising.  Bless Joe's heart for always being the calm and sane one reminding me that the increase was exactly what we needed...time to be happy and not freak out!  
My plan was to go back to my munchkins and my peeps at preschool on Tuesday, but why I keep thinking I should make my own plans...I dunno!  I am so blessed that the girls I work with are so encouraging and supportive.  "Take the day, don't worry, we got this!"  I really miss my girls and my kiddos, but figure another day home taking it easy can't hurt.  I'm also really thankful that not only do they tell me not to worry about school, they encourage me and pray for us!
We have amazing family and friends that have been with us for the journey and continue to have our back Jack.  Please continue to pray that our little embryo(s) stay implanted and keep growing.  My hormone levels need to keep rising and I need to continue to remain sane and calm until returning to my munchkins on Wednesday...I hope!
As always, thanks for the love and prayers!  They've helped us get this far!
Sarah & Joe  

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Taking it easy

I just love the quotes section, too!

In the lovely world of infertility, the 2WW is a dreaded time. What's 2WW? The two week wait, that lovely time from ovulation to when you can take a pregnancy test. Now, if I wasn't using sick days and spent my two weeks at preschool....there wouldn't be a lot of time to think about waiting. However, I opted to stay home, take it easy, and steer clear of my munchkins' germs. That leaves me at home keeping busy and trying to not fret about what is coming.  Keeping busy has involved a lot of Angry Birds Star Wars and Pinterest, specifically the humor section!  I managed to get caught up on Glee (not sure about this season) and Sons of Anarchy (LOVE).  Big Bang Theory and FRIENDS are always good when I need a laugh.  It helps my sanity to have lots of texts, e-mails, and messages from everyone checking in on me.  I keep reminding myself that somebody's praying us through!
Today marks a joyous event in a non-IVF sense...I've taken over first place in our Fantasy Football League!  Our league is on year 7, I won last year and I am a woman on a mission to retain my title!
When thinking about test day, it's a little intimidating because we've been so open and honest about everything that's gone on. Most people keep things under the radar, but I've always been a jabber jaw. Between Friday and Monday, I may be away from least as much as I can. I do have an appointment with my wonderful therapist on Monday afternoon, so maybe after processing everything with her I'll be ready to share...whatever the outcome. In my heart, I really feel that we are going to have a positive outcome but at the same time we've been at this for seven years and have had our hearts broken more times than I remember. This round of treatments just feels different. Looking back on the past year since we attended the banquet, the quote faith in God includes faith in His timing sums it up. Now, it's just important to keep having the faith in the light at the end of our tunnel!
Please pray that our embryos have implanted and are settling in for their stay, or at least one has settled in for its stay!  Pray for our some peace as we deal with nerves and anticipation of what pregnancy test will bring.  Dr. Bopp is on call this week, so Nurse Allison said he will be the one that makes "the call."  Pray that he calls us with positive news and we test again two days later to see the numbers rising!
As always, thanks to everyone for the love, encouragement, and support!  I think this waiting is worse than the shots and procedures!
Sarah & Joe