Joe and Sarah

Joe and Sarah

Monday, November 28, 2016

Graduation Day

I was flipping through pictures, quotes, and verses to try and decide what to use to start today's blog.  I Corinthians 13 was one of the scriptures read at our wedding and it really caught my attention today, so let's start there since it really sums up life with Joe Jones.  I require a lot of patience and protection.  Together, we sure have gotten good at always trusting, hoping, and persevering.  I'm a lucky girl that caught such an awesome guy!  (I guess if love keeps no record of wrongs, I may need to be nicer to him about all the shots in the booty)
Last Wednesday, we met with Laura, the PA who is in with Dr. Darroca, to get an updated physical and all that fun stuff done here.  It's exciting and kinda scary to just go to the regular OB like a typical pregnant person.  She did make me chuckle when she asked if I worked out because I was in leggings and a hoody...not so much do I work out as I love stretchy clothes that fit me!  We left with orders for lab work for me and a follow up and ultrasound with Dr. Darroca on December 9.  (I didn't realize that the lab work would involve taking five things of blood!)
Today was graduation day with Dr. Bopp and I was having some major separation anxiety issues.  Our Facebook memory today reminded me that our very first embryo transfer with Bopp was exactly four years ago.  Goodness, what a lot has happened in four years.  Leaving Dr. Bopp and Nurse Alison is a huge milestone, they got us pregnant and kept us pregnant.  One of things I love most about Midwest Fertility is the fact it's not just about getting pregnant, everyone you come into contact with sincerely cares about you and encourages you.  Dr. Bopp and Alison have shared ups and downs with us and provide that sense of security and familiarity in such an emotional time.  We are just so thankful for Dr. Bopp, Nurse Alison, and everyone that's taken care of us, it's just bittersweet but I still have Alison's email and can pop into visit when I go for acupuncture!

Enough of my ramblings, here are a couple of Baby Jones' pictures from today.  It's really crazy to look back at each ultrasound and how much change you see in two weeks!  There was a moment during the ultrasound when I couldn't see it, but thankfully she moved just enough it didn't last too long.  Heartbeat is still going strong at 166.
There aren't enough words to express how grateful and blessed we are to have so many people praying for us and providing encouragement.  I'm so thankful that everyone is along for the journey with us.
Please continue to pray that Baby will keep growing strong!
Love to all!
Sarah and Joe

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Results everyone agrees on ;)

I'm sitting here trying to think of what I need to share for a blog update, listening to some music, and a song came on that switched my gears.  So, I'm going to share it first.  (bear with me and my hormones)
Of course I wish my grandma, my Moe, and Uncle Andy were here to celebrate the milestone of our 8 week ultrasound.  It really is hard not to be able to share this day with J2 (Joe's dad Joe).  He was always our biggest, yet quietest cheerleader and the gentle voice of reason when I needed it.  Ugh, hormones are not helping this meltdown but this blog is about sharing what's on my mind in this you get to read it all!  

Back to keeping up with the Joneses!  The past two weeks have gone quicker than I figured they would, but that may just be due to the fact I'm exhausted all the time.  It's kinda crazy!  Other than that, some mild nausea, and a million trips to the potty each day...I've been feeling pretty good.  Keeping it real, there have been a few meltdowns!  It's a struggle to know I can't do some things or don't have the energy for things...working on resting and balance.  I'm so thankful to be surrounded by so many people (besides Joe...he's stuck with me) who support and help me adjust.

Today's ultrasound was a milestone, Dr. Bopp said things are great and that it was time to schedule an appointment with my regular OB.  If I think too much about leaving Bopp, Alison, and the rest of the Midwest staff, I'm just going to cry again.  It's really bittersweet.  I may have temporarily lost my mind because I agreed to keeping up the progesterone injections and eliminating the Prometium that has to be done twice daily.  Obviously, Joe is just fine with our nightly needle date!  I also get to stop the extra estrogen I've been taking.  I'm pretty excited about that, too!  We go back November 28th for our graduation day ultrasound.  At our first ultrasound, Nurse Alison mentioned she wouldn't see us for our 8 week but would for our we have to go back one more time.  ;)  Have I said how much I love this place?  Midwest Fertility is just an amazing group of people that truly care about their patients!  

I think today's ultrasound was really a weight lifted off me, I've been working on the whole not being anxious thing...but I was still scared.  (real talk, I'm still a little scared but feel so much better)  This afternoon I baked cookies, assembled dinner, and put a load of laundry in.  That's my productivity for a week!  I just felt relief and needed to be busy.  After a couple hours, I mustered up the nerve to call Dr. Darocca and schedule an appointment with them.  Thankfully, they are seeing me on the 23rd so I don't have to miss another day of school.  

For our specific prayers, pray that our little one keeps growing!  Everything is going great, pray it keeps going that way.  Please pray for preschool, that I give my kiddos my best every day even with extra yawns, pray for my girls, Sarah and Bethany as they help out so much.  Please pray for Bethany's family, too.  Her dad passed away this week, it was sudden and unexpected.  My preschool people are my other family, my heart hurts when they hurt!  Of course, pray for Joe Jones as he handles the extra hot mess that is me.  I am so thankful for a patient guy, who is always encouraging and level headed, and loves me even at my worst.  (Granted, he does get to stick a big needle in me nightly, I'm sure that therapeutic!)

Have a great rest of the week friends!  We are so blessed to be surrounded by family and friends who pray for us, love us, and always offer encouragement!
Sarah and Joe
This was the best quote to sum up how I felt after the ultrasound.  We got to see our blessing!
Here's our little gummy bear!