Joe and Sarah

Joe and Sarah

Monday, June 4, 2012

It is well...

Peace like a river wouldn't be the first phrase I'd think of when thinking about infertility, it fits at times.  Sorrows are far too common when overcoming infertility.  Last week this hymn came to me twice, after some praying and thinking so I figured it was God's way of showing me I'm on track.
Tuesday I submitted the official request for transferring to preschool full time.  Tuesday night, we received tragic news that my sweet "sister" Lauren's wonderful dad had passed away.  We are truly blessed to have known Jim through Job's Daughters and DeMolay.  Lauren became my adopted little sister and 1999 and her whole family is just awesome.  Keep them in your prayers!
Wednesday morning, I got an e-mail that there was an issue with my license so we were going to have to do some work to get me to full time.  I was disappointed, but as I e-mailed and talked to people I started to wonder if I was doing what would be best for me and my munchkins.  Thursday morning, Steph woke up singing It Is Well and so I was singing it to myself all day!  Thanks to Steph for the reminder!  A hymn, good friends, and Ivanhoe's....great way to spend a day!
Friday, I sent another e-mail saying that I would be okay staying in my current position...half preschool and half resource at Allen.  A peace had come over me that maybe staying half and half another year was what would be best for my munchkins and for myself.  If we were to do IVF after school started, that would mean a lot of monitoring appointments that would be out in the morning, which wouldn't be fair to little ones that have special needs to be in and out.  My big munchkins are flexible and Mrs. Lada (my assistant) rocks, so I know if I have to get a sub the Allen crew would be okay.
Saturday, I drove north to be with my Job's Daughters family to say goodbye and honor a wonderful man.  Jim Bailey will be truly missed, but I know he's another angel looking down on us!  Please keep Lauren and her family in your thoughts and prayers!  It was nice to see some of my Job's Daughters friends, but would rather see them under different circumstances.  Love and prayers to the Baileys!
Today I spoke with June, our director, about next year.  We talked about IVF and what the next year may entail, and I told her I was really okay either way.  So, as of today next year I will be between Allen and Special Needs Preschool again.  It really is well with my soul that I'm doing what will be best for me and for the munchkins that I teach!  Another bit of peace came when I received an e-mail from Dr. Camille Hammond and Heidi from the Cade Foundation that not needing ICSI is a non-issue.  Woohoo, this is such a huge blessing...well more than just one blessing!  This removes a portion of our out of pocket cost.  It will bring us one step closer to our IVF cycle!

We hope that you will join us in Chicago for the Illinois Race for the Family!  We are so excited to participate and help give back to the Cade Foundation who has truly blessed us.  Please check it out at!  If you can't join us or participate, please let me know if you want to make a donation!  

Have a wonderful week, tomorrow is my last official contract day!  Woohoo!  
Sarah & Joe

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