Joe and Sarah

Joe and Sarah

Thursday, December 5, 2013

'Tis the season for a procedure

There hasn't been much to report regarding our infertility journey lately, but there is a little bit today!  Yesterday, we went to Dr. Darroca (OB-GYN in Muncie) to get an annual, drop off my 123 page history from Dr. Bopp, and get some tests and procedures planned that Dr. Morris would like done before IVF.  It turns out that going to a doctor you haven't seen in a couple years is harder on your blood pressure than a wild day with the munchkins!  (146/95...oops)  Looking back, I think the anticipation of going over everything that's happened and the unknown of what we could get done here may have just got me worked up a little.  It turns out that I'm very comfortable talking about my infertility, but my miscarriage is a little more difficult. 
I always like to find a picture or quote to use when I blog, and this one jumped out at me.  Our first IVF started off smoothly, took a detour to the couch, and ended in a way we hadn't hoped.  Having this visual really makes me think about how to move ahead as we look toward IVF again.  November 2012-January 2013 was a draining experience....emotionally and physically which makes the thought of doing it all again a little daunting.  I've got to cross the monkey bars and not be afraid as we move forward.
Since I've got a history of cysts and polyps, I need to have a hysteroscopy done.  It's an outpatient procedure that I've had just needs to be done at a specific time in my cycle.  His schedule was pretty booked, but after touching base with Dr. Morris about timing they were able to work me in.  Monday morning is our pre-op appointment and Tuesday at 3:30 is the procedure.  Pre-op is in Muncie, but the procedure will be at Community in Anderson.  I forgot to ask if he does these under anesthetic, if I can't eat or drink until 3:30 I'm going to need a full day sub.  Nobody wants a hungry and thirsty Jones, but Mr. Jones has dealt with the beast before! 
For our friends and family that pray specifically for us, here's what we need for the upcoming week...pray that my hysteroscopy goes smoothly and if there are any polyps they are taken care of, pray for Joe as he deals with me leading up to the procedure especially if I have anesthetic, and pray for the munchkins and the ladies that will hold down the fort while I'm out.  (Also, pray for temperatures that allow for gross motor time outside...32 degrees!)
One more thing, I got my TSH checked again...waiting for the result.  Since my levels fluctuate, please pray that they get and keep me between 1-2.  TSH and hysteroscopy are just one of the first steps before we start down the IVF road again!  We still have to get Joe's test updated and my ovarian reserve.  One step at a time!
Thanks for the love and prayers as always!
Sarah and Joe

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